Monday, November 15, 2004
English II Archives Week of November 1 - November 5, 2004

Tragedy at Castle Rock
The shattering of the conch & Piggy's death
I. Hand in Vocabulay definitions and sentences
Five minutes study for Vocab Test
II. LOTF Vocabulary Quiz (Matching)
III. Meet with LOTF Legal Teams
LOTF Trials begin Tuesday Nov. 9th
IV. Practice Quiz on Internet:
Who said it
Bring your binder / notebook with you to
class next week (Nov. 8 -10) as I will be
checking your D.O.L. and Journals.
Also make sure you have your outside
reading book with you on Monday, 11/8.
I will be checking books and you will have
class time to organize your reading logs and read.
Book Report (Power Point or Poster Presentation)
& Reading Logs Due Monday, 11/15
Are you filling in a reading log every
30 minutes that you read outside of class?
Reading Log Guidelines:
150 - 300 Pages Read = 8 to 16 Reading Logs
300 Pages or more = 17 - 25 Reading Logs
Thursday, November 4, 2004
“Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -
I. Warm-Up Journal # 13 (Per. 2), #14 (Per. 4), #15 (Period 5)
"Fear is the enemy for civilization; fear prevents
construction and progress" Discuss vulnerability of
civilization againt the destructive powers of fear. 1/2 Page
II. Hand in LOTF chapter 10 group questions
III. Get completed vocabulary definitions & sentences stamped
IV. Notes:
Conch: Authority, order
Glasses: Ability to see clearly, to perceive what is best
Fire: Civilization, the hearth, hope, community celebration
Lord of the Flies: Pig's head on a stick, symbol of the evil in the boys (and in humanity)
Mask: Facade, means of hiding self from self
Beast: The Devil, decay, destruction
Island: A microcosm of the world
Darkness: Ignorance, fear, superstition
Mountain: Perspective, power, truth, barrier
Forest: Fear, violence, unknown, hiding
Beach: Safety, openness, games, communication
Castle Rock: Punishment, violence, restraint
Jack's hair: Caused Jack's loss of focus
Flies: Corruption
V. Lord of the Flies: Law and Order Activity
LOTF Trials begin Tuesday Nov. 9th
HOMEWORK - Due Friday, 11/5
1) Vocabulary Words sentences & definitions
2)Study for Vocab Quiz
Book Report (Power Point) & Reading Logs Due Monday, 11/15
Are you filling in a reading log every
30 minutes that you read outside of class?
Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Jack's Sacrifice to the Beast
I. Warm-Up - D.O.L #12, (Period 2) DOL # 13, (Period 5) & DOL # 15 (Period 4)
II.Turn in Conch Shell - Handout
III. Review LOTF Chapter 9
IV. READ LOTF Chapter 10 - Reading Circles
Answer Questions Chap 10 - Due at end of class 11/3
Study Questions
1. Who is left among the boys that remain loyal to Ralph?
2. What rationalization do Ralph and Piggy
arrive at concerning their role in Simon’s death?
3. What does Jack plan to do in order to
enable his followers to have another feast?
4. Why is Roger so excited at the
prospect of the beating of Willard?
5. What sacrifice to the beast does Jack order?
6. Why will it be so difficult for Ralph’s group to keep the fire going?
7. How does Ralph suggest Piggy contact his aunt?
8. Who does Ralph fight during the attack?
9. What does Ralph’s attacker do to him during the fight?
LOTF Vocabulary Words Week of 11/01/04
(Last Vocab Quiz of Quarter #1, Friday 11/5)
corruption, tremulous, trickle, steadfast, befoul,
shrill, shudder, gesticulate, stifle, myopia,
devastate, multitudinous, snigger, incantation, elaborate,
dribble, ululation, thicket, cower, visualize,
HOMEWORK - Due Thursday, 11/4
Define Vocabulary Words.
Use each word in a sentence
Book Report & Reading Logs Due Monday, 11/15
Are you filling in a reading log every
30 minutes that you read outside of class?
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
I. Warm-Up Journal # 12 (Per. 2), #13 (Per. 4), #14 (Period 5)
Trace the metamorphosis of the Conch Shell - Handout - Due Wed. 11/3
II. Hand in Questions LOTF Chapter 9 - Due Today
III. Postcard Presentations Continued. (Last Day)
Evaluate your classmates while they are presenting.
Hand in evaluation sheets at end of period
II. Continue watching LOTF DVD if time permits
Monday, November 1, 2004
I. Warm-Up - D.O.L #12, Period 5 & DOL # 14, Per. 2 & 4)
I. Postcard Presentations Continued.
Evaluate your classmates while they are presenting.
HOMEWORK - Due Tuesday, 11/2
READ LOTF Chapter 9
Study Questions - LOTF Chapt 9
1. In Simon’s secret place, which source of food do the flies prefer?
2. Where does Simon decide to go?
3. What does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside?
4. Who suggests Ralph and Piggy should go to the party?
5. How is it that Ralph and Piggy’s awkward presence at the party is accepted?
6. What does Jack declare about the conch to Ralph?
7. What is the weather like toward the end of the party?
8. What chant do the boys sing as they dance?
9. Who emerges from the jungle with the secret of the beast?
10. What scares the boys and sends them scattering?